Raspberry PiからLINEに通知を送る
- 割とスマホはいつでも持っている(家の中でも手元にあることが圧倒的に多い)
- LINEが来たっていう通知を大きな音で出すことも出さないことも可能
- その時見落としていても履歴が残っている
- やってみたら思いのほか簡単だった
①LINE Notifyに登録する
webサービスとLINEを連携できる、LINE Notifyに登録します。
LINE Notifyのページにアクセスして、右上の「ログイン」をクリックします。
今回は名前を「Asagao_IoT」(日本語も使えますが)、送信先は「1:1でLINE Notifyから通知を受け取る」にしました。
この段階で、LINEのチャットのページに「LINE Notify」というルームが追加されます。
②Raspbery Piから送信テスト
Raspberry PiからLINEに通知を送ってみます。
1 | curl https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer トークン" -F "message=Hello World!" |
LINEに「Hello World!」という通知が来ました。
1 | curl https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer taken" -F "message=message" |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | import requests headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer taken', } files = { 'message': (None, 'message'), } response = requests.post('https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify', headers=headers, files=files) |
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278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 | from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox from ui.mainwindow_0_1_2 import MainWindow from PyQt5.QtCore import * import os import time import datetime import serial import sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') import ambient import requests serialport = "/dev/ttyACM0" LED_TH = 999 LED_TH_P = 999 Water_TH = 999 Water_TH_P =999 temp = 0 humid = 0 press = 0 bright = 0 water = 0 tank = 0 LineFlag = QTime() class SerialCom: def __init__(self, serialport): self.sc = serial.Serial(serialport,9600, timeout=1) time.sleep(3) def data_read(self): rc_data = self.sc.readline() return rc_data def start_com(self): self.sc.write(b'd') self.sc.write(b'd') self.sc.write(b'd') self.sc.write(b'd') def light_set(self, th): self.sc.write(b'L') light1 = th//100+48 light2 = (th%100)//10+48 light3 = (th%100%10)+48 self.sc.write(chr(light1).encode()) self.sc.write(chr(light2).encode()) self.sc.write(chr(light3).encode()) def water_set(self, th): self.sc.write(b'W') water1 = th//100+48 water2 = (th%100)//10+48 water3 = (th%100%10)+48 self.sc.write(chr(water1).encode()) self.sc.write(chr(water2).encode()) self.sc.write(chr(water3).encode()) def close(self): self.sc.close() def refresh_window(): #時刻更新 now = datetime.datetime.now() ct = "現在時刻:" + now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') ui.labeltime.setText(ct) #センサデータ表示更新 try: #温度 ui.labeltemp.setText("気温:\t" + str("{0:.2f}".format(float(temp))) + " [℃]") #湿度更新 ui.labelhumid.setText("湿度:\t" + str("{0:.2f}".format(float(humid)))+ " [%]") #気圧更新 ui.labelpress.setText("大気圧:" + str("{0:.2f}".format(float(press))) + " [hPa]" ) #照度更新 ui.labelbright.setText("照度:\t" + str("{0:4}".format(int(bright))) + "[Lx]") #水分量更新 ui.labelwater.setText( "水分量:\t" + str("{0:4}".format(int(water)))) #水タンク満水検知 ui.labeltank.setText("タンク内水検知:" + str("{0:4}".format(int(tank)))) ui.labelLight.setText(str(int(tank))) if(int(tank)<int(ui.spinBoxLINE.value())): ui.progressBarTank.setValue(100) else: ui.progressBarTank.setValue(0) except: pass #LED制御 n = now.time() global LED_TH #時刻制御1 cb_t1 = ui.checkBoxLightTime1.checkState() t = ui.timeEditLedStart1.time() LedStartTime1 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) t = ui.timeEditLedEnd1.time() LedEndTime1 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) #時刻制御2 cb_t2 = ui.checkBoxLightTime2.checkState() t = ui.timeEditLedStart2.time() LedStartTime2 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) t = ui.timeEditLedEnd2.time() LedEndTime2 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) #時刻制御有効の場合 if((cb_t1>0 and LedStartTime1<=n<LedEndTime1) or (cb_t2>0 and LedStartTime2<=n<LedEndTime2)): ui.progressBarLight.setValue(100) if(ui.checkBoxLightTh.checkState()): LED_TH = ui.spinBoxLed.value() else: LED_TH = 0 else: ui.progressBarLight.setValue(0) LED_TH = 999 #時刻制御無効の場合、センサーレベルだけ見る #すべてのチェックが入っていなければ、常時ON if(cb_t1==0 and cb_t2==0): if(ui.checkBoxLightTh.checkState()): LED_TH = ui.spinBoxLed.value() else: LED_TH = 0 #水やり制御 n = now.time() global Water_TH #時刻制御1 cb_t1 = ui.checkBoxWaterTime1.checkState() t = ui.timeEditWaterStart1.time() WaterStartTime1 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) t = ui.timeEditWaterEnd1.time() WaterEndTime1 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) #時刻制御2 cb_t2 = ui.checkBoxWaterTime2.checkState() t = ui.timeEditWaterStart2.time() WaterStartTime2 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) t = ui.timeEditWaterEnd2.time() WaterEndTime2 = datetime.time(t.hour(), t.minute(), 0) #時刻制御有効の場合 if((cb_t1>0 and WaterStartTime1<=n<WaterEndTime1) or (cb_t2>0 and WaterStartTime2<=n<WaterEndTime2)): ui.progressBarWater.setValue(100) if(ui.checkBoxWaterTh.checkState()): Water_TH = ui.spinBoxWater.value() else: Water_TH = 0 else: ui.progressBarWater.setValue(0) Water_TH = 999 #時刻制御無効の場合、センサーレベルだけ見る #すべてのチェックが入っていなければ、常時ON if(cb_t1==0 and cb_t2==0): if(ui.checkBoxWaterTh.checkState()): Water_TH = ui.spinBoxLed.value() else: Water_TH = 0 #Ambientデータ送信 if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==0 and now.second==0): #1分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==1 and now.minute%2==0 and now.second==0): #2分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==2 and now.minute%3==0 and now.second==0): #3分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==3 and now.minute%4==0 and now.second==0): #4分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==4 and now.minute%5==0 and now.second==0): #5分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==5 and now.minute%10==0 and now.second==0): #10分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==6 and now.minute%15==0 and now.second==0): #15分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==7 and now.minute%20==0 and now.second==0): #20分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==8 and now.minute%30==0 and now.second==0): #30分ごと Ambient_send(now) if(ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.currentIndex()==9 and now.minute==0 and now.second==0): #60分ごと Ambient_send(now) #LINE通知:1時間おき global LineFlag if(now.minute==0 and now.second==0 and LineFlag!=now.hour): LineFlag = now.hour Line_send() def Ambient_send(sendtime): if(ui.checkBox_AmbientSend.checkState()==2): #Ambient送信 amSend = ambient.Ambient(ui.lineEdit_AmbientID.text(),ui.lineEdit_AmbientKey.text()) amSend.send({'d1': temp, 'd2':humid, 'd3':press, 'd4':bright, 'd5':water, 'd6':tank}) #AmbientUpdateTime = datetime.datetime.now() ui.lineEditAmbientLastUpdate.setText(sendtime.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) def Line_send(): if(ui.checkBox_LineSend.checkState()==2): #水分量を見てLINE通知送信 tank_TH = int(ui.spinBoxLINE.value()) if(int(tank)<tank_TH): takenUrl = 'Bearer '+str(ui.lineEdit_LineTaken.text()) headers = {'Authorization': takenUrl,} massage = str(ui.lineEdit_LineMassage.text()) massage = massage.replace('\n','') files = {'message': (None, massage),} response = requests.post('https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify', headers=headers, files=files) def refresh_sensor(): myserial.start_com() global LED_TH global LED_TH_P global Water_TH global Water_TH_P global temp global humid global press global bright global water global tank #温度更新 try: temp = myserial.data_read() ui.labeltemp.setText("気温:\t" + str("{0:.2f}".format(float(temp))) + " [℃]") except: pass #湿度更新 try: humid = myserial.data_read() except: pass #気圧更新 try: press = myserial.data_read() except: pass #照度更新 try: bright = myserial.data_read() except: pass #水分量更新 try: water= myserial.data_read() except: pass #水タンク満水検知 try: tank= myserial.data_read() except: pass #LED制御支持送信 if(LED_TH != LED_TH_P): myserial.light_set(LED_TH) LED_TH_P = LED_TH #ポンプ制御支持送信 if(Water_TH != Water_TH_P): myserial.water_set(Water_TH) Water_TH_P = Water_TH def setting_memory(): settime = QTime() fileObject = open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") #LED制御設定値 #時刻1有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxLightTime1.toggle() #時刻1開始時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditLedStart1.setTime(settime) #時刻1終了時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditLedEnd1.setTime(settime) #時刻2有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxLightTime2.toggle() #時刻2開始時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditLedStart2.setTime(settime) #時刻2終了時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditLedEnd2.setTime(settime) #照度制御有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxLightTh.toggle() #LED照度設定 line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.spinBoxLed.setValue(int(line1)) #水やり制御設定値読み出しAmbient通信 #時刻1有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxWaterTime1.toggle() #時刻1開始時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditWaterStart1.setTime(settime) #時刻1終了時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditWaterEnd1.setTime(settime) #時刻2有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxWaterTime2.toggle() #時刻2開始時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditWaterStart2.setTime(settime) #時刻2終了時刻 line1 = fileObject.readline() line2 = fileObject.readline() settime.setHMS(int(line1), int(line2), 0) ui.timeEditWaterEnd2.setTime(settime) #照度制御有効 line1 = fileObject.readline() if(line1=="2\n"): ui.checkBoxWaterTh.toggle() #LED照度設定 line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.spinBoxWater.setValue(int(line1)) #Ambient通信設定値読み出し line1 = fileObject.readline() #チャネルID line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.lineEdit_AmbientID.setText(line1) #ライトキー line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.lineEdit_AmbientKey.setText(line1) #インターバル設定 line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.comboBox_AmbientInt.setCurrentIndex(int(line1)) #LINE通信設定読み出し line1 = fileObject.readline() #トークン line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.lineEdit_LineTaken.setText(line1) #送信しきい値 line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.spinBoxLINE.setValue(int(line1)) #送信メッセージ line1 = fileObject.readline() ui.lineEdit_LineMassage.setText(line1) if __name__=="__main__": import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) ui = MainWindow() file = "./setting.txt" if os.path.exists(file): setting_memory() QMessageBox.information(None, "あさがおIoT観察システム","設定ファイルが見つかりました。\n設定値を読み込みました。", QMessageBox.Ok) else: QMessageBox.information(None, "あさがおIoT観察システム","設定ファイルが見つかりません。\nアプリの初期値で起動しました。", QMessageBox.Ok) #ui.showFullScreen() myserial = SerialCom(serialport) refresh_sensor() timer1 = QTimer() timer1.timeout.connect(refresh_window) timer1.start(500) timer2 = QTimer() timer2.timeout.connect(refresh_sensor) timer2.start(2000) ui.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) |
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